Welcome to the home of the Sandpoint High School Cross Country team. SHSXC is dedicated to Sandpoint High School Cross Country
all year round.
Running Maps
King of the Hill
Long Bridge
Track your own
Pine Street LoopPine Street loop is a great long run. A few good hills at the begginning with the last 4 miles farely flat. Go out Pine Street and
follow the road all the way to Hwy 2. Cross Hwy 2 and run through Dover, then get on the running trail and run back in, taking
the trail back to the HS.
0 mile(s)
next 5 days
Nothing on the schedule
full schedule
After 5 or 6 laps I have read everyone like a newspaper. and I know who is able to do this or that. And I know what I am able to do.
- Miruts Yifter