Welcome to the home of the Sandpoint High School Cross Country team. SHSXC is dedicated to Sandpoint High School Cross Country
all year round.
Runners Tools
Pace Calculators
Pace Charts
Track Mileage
VO2 Interval Charts
Running Tools
These running tools are designed to help you figure out paces for target race times, target interval times, and find out your pace from a run you have already
completed. There is also a link to a Google maps utility for you to figure out the distance of a run.
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full schedule
Out of the silver heat mirage he ran. The sky burned, and under him the paving was a black mirror reflecting sun-fire. Sweat sprayed his skin with each foot strike so that he ran in a hot mist of his own creation. With each slap on the softened asphalt, his soles absorbed heat that rose through his arches and ankles and the stems of his shins. It was a carnival of pain, but he loved each stride because running distilled him to his essence and the heat hastened this distillation.
- James Tabor