Welcome to the home of the Sandpoint High School Cross Country team. SHSXC is dedicated to Sandpoint High School Cross Country
all year round.
Cross Training
Warm Ups
Short Intervals
These are meant to increase your speed towards the end of the season when you should be at your fastest. Remember: Speed = Stride Length x Stride Frequency.
Example 1: 200 repeats
30 x 200 above race pace. 200 meter recovery (under 1:00)
Example 2: 50/60's
Sprint 50 meters, jog 60 meters for 20 to 30 minutes. This is a great speed builder and it prepares runners mentally to be able
to push to their maximum effort in races.
next 5 days
Nothing on the schedule
full schedule
When I came back, after all those stories about Hitler and his snub, I came back to my native country, and I could not ride in the front of the bus. I had to go to the back door. I couldn't live where I wanted. Now what's the difference?
- Jesse Owens